package in.rob.client.base; import in.lib.helper.BusHelper; import in.lib.thread.FragmentRunnable; import in.rob.client.MainApplication; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import lombok.Getter; import net.callumtaylor.swipetorefresh.helper.RefreshHelper; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.MenuItem; public class RobinListFragment extends ListFragment { /** * Application instance context. Use this for the most part */ @Getter private Context context; @Getter private Context applicationContext; @Getter protected RefreshHelper refreshHelper; @Getter private boolean ready = false; private List<Runnable> pending = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Runnable>()); @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); this.context = getActivity(); this.applicationContext = getActivity().getApplicationContext(); BusHelper.getInstance().register(this); } @Override public void onDestroyView() { super.onDestroyView(); synchronized (pending) { ready = false; } } @Override public void onDestroy() { if (refreshHelper != null) { refreshHelper.onReset(); } super.onDestroy(); BusHelper.getInstance().unregister(this); } @Override public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); setRetainInstance(true); } public void checkPendingThenExecute() { synchronized (pending) { //if (!ready) { if (getListView() != null) { ready = true; executePending(); } else { throw new IllegalAccessError("Failed to resume any runnables because listView is null"); } } } } @Override public void onDetach() { super.onDetach(); synchronized (pending) { ready = false; } } public void executePending() { int pendingCallbacks = pending.size(); while (pendingCallbacks-- > 0) { runOnUiThread(pending.remove(0)); } } public void runWhenReady(Runnable runnable) { runOnUiThread(runnable); } public void runOnUiThread(Runnable runnable) { //synchronized (pending) { if (!ready) { pending.add(runnable); } else { //synchronized (pending) { if (getActivity() != null) { if (runnable instanceof FragmentRunnable) { ((FragmentRunnable)runnable).setFragment(this); } getActivity().runOnUiThread(runnable); } else { pending.add(runnable); } } } } } public boolean onMenuItemSelected(int featureId, MenuItem item) { return false; } /** * @return Gets the base 64 rehashable id of the device */ public String getDeviceId() { return ((MainApplication)getActivity().getApplication()).getDeviceId(); } }